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STARs Club hosts spirit week

PRESS PHOTOS BY ELLIE SCHNEIDERThe Salisbury High School STARs Club hosted a spirit week Jan. 27 to 31 to mark the start of the second semester. Each day featured a unique theme designed to promote a positive, drug-free message. Jan. 31 was Decades Day, themed “Plan for the future, don’t live in the past.” Seniors dressed as the 1970s, juniors as the 1980s, sophomores as the 1990s and freshmen as the 2000s, while teachers chose any decade they love. ABOVE: Dressing as your favorite decade is fun for teachers and students including Mrunalini Govand.
ABOVE: Chemistry teacher Sarah Wascura dresses for her favorite decade.
ABOVE CENTER: Lacey Wallace dresses for her favorite decade.
Jan. 30 was Teacher and Student Switch Day, with the theme “Teach yourself to say no.” Students dressed as teachers and teachers dressed as students, creating a fun role-reversal experience. ABOVE: Sarah Wascura and Slade Crocus dress as each other for Teacher and Student Switch Day.
Students and teachers get into the spirit of dressing as each other including Tracy Merrill and Jade Adzadi.
LEFT: Social Studies teacher Andrew Cerco and English Teacher Christopher Butynskyi get in on the fun.
Jan. 29 was Anything BUT a Backpack Day, where students could carry their school supplies in anything but a backpack. The theme was “Anything but drugs,” and creative options like suitcases or baskets were encouraged, as long as they followed size guidelines and didn’t block hallways. ABOVE: What a colorful backpack with Zachary Frantz !
Carlos Pineda-Davila carries his unique backpack to school Jan. 29.
On Jan. 28, Dress Like Your Favorite Album Cover Day celebrated the theme “Rockin’ the Drug-Free Life.” Students could reenact their favorite album covers or wear band T-shirts to show their music taste. ABOVE: Autumn Evans gets in the spirit of dressing like her favorite album cover.