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Deployed reservist returns to police department

Mark Kuntzman serves not only the community as a Bethlehem police officer since 2017, but also the country as a National Guardsman. FOP Star Lodge #20 President Robert Nichelson said Kuntzman has been deployed overseas twice, and he and his family were recently guests at a welcome home party at Retro Burger in Bethlehem after his return from a one-year stint in the Middle East.

His assignments in the police have been with patrol and the mounted patrol.

Kuntzman’s military experience includes six years in the U.S. Marine Corps and now time in the National Guard, where he is a sergeant first class.

Kuntzman, his wife Sage, and his children Colton, Anna and Bliss were the guests at the surprise event which included reconnecting with many of the officers in Bethlehem, enjoying a buffet meal and topping it off with a special welcome home cake.

Sage said technology allowed them to keep in touch least once a week during his deployment, but nonetheless, “I am so relieved for both his safety and for our family to have him back.”

For his part, the reserved Kuntzman said little of his time deployed or when he would return to his police duties, but that it was good to be home.

The welcome home event was sponsored by FOP Star Lodge #20 and Sunblest Holdings, LLC.

Press photos by Dana GrubbOfficer Mark Kuntzman, his wife Sage and their children Bliss, Anna and Colton arrive at Retro Burger for a surprise welcome home gathering presented by Bethlehem FOP Lodge #20.
The patriotic themed cake welcomes Officer Mark Kuntzman back from overseas military deployment.