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Public works complimented on recent repairs

Macungie Borough Council held its regularly scheduled meeting Feb. 3 at Macungie Institute.

The Macungie Police Department announced its newest full-time police officer, Patrol Officer Sabdiel Diaz who was moved into this position. Diaz previously held the 30-hour a week position.

Public works was complimented on recent repairs of several water main breaks. During the extreme cold, public works’ employees dealt with these water pipe repairs despite the frigid temperatures.

Minutes from the Jan. 20 meeting were approved as well as the bill list. The list is available on Macungie’s website.

Public works made a request for a grapple hook bucket for a skid steer to pick up piles of debris and branches at a cost of $7,500. The equipment is budgeted for and the funds are available. It was approved.

Public Works also requested a Cintas fire protection alarm panel upgrade at Macungie Institute. The cost is $8,564 and is also budgeted. It was approved.

There was an executive session held for legal, personnel and real estate issues.

The next meeting will be held on a Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Feb. 18 due to the Presidents Day holiday. All meetings are held at the Macungie Institute, 510 E. Main St., Macungie.

PRESS PHOTO BY SHARON SCHRANTZPatrol Officer Sabdiel Diaz, center, with his wife, Carolin Diaz is congratulated by Officer Matt Santiago, left and Sgt. Travis Kocher, right at the Feb. 3 Macungie Borough Council meeting.