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First annual State of Bath Borough address given

At the Jan. 13 Bath Borough Council meeting, President Frank Hesch requested permission to read a State of the Borough statement. He said he wanted to start an annual presentation in the borough, referring to the speech as the first annual State of Bath Borough address.

During the nearly 20-minute address, Hesch noted he wanted to talk about borough accomplishments during 2024. He provided data on the borough’s finances, saying the total borough budget is about $3.4 million. He applauded all who helped manage the finances throughout 2024, particularly borough Manager Bradley Flynn.

Hesch noted during 2024, the borough received about $800,000 in grant funding. He added that, because of the fiscal management of the borough’s budget, there was no tax hike in the 2025 budget.

Hesch reported on the safety improvements in 2024. He said traffic lights were upgraded to assist a smoother flow of traffic, additional crosswalks were installed in the borough, and a backup generator was acquired for emergencies.

A master plan for recreation and parks was developed and implemented to address the quality of life in Bath.

Hesch lauded the hard work to create and implement the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Authority that will address expected costly stormwater management regulations from Pennsylvania.

After the address, one council member suggested Hesch consider posting the State of the Borough address on the borough’s website, bathborough.org.

The Bath Fire Department report said there were 22 fire calls for the month of December and a total of 348 fire calls in 2024. In the water authority report, it was announced there will be no increase in water and sewer rates for 2025.

Council voted to reimburse a Bath family in the amount of $250 receipted expenses for an update project at Paw Park and Firefighters Field, both borough facilities.

Council voted to authorize the borough manager to negotiate the purchase of approximately one-half acre of vacant woodland off Creek Road, pending the outcome of a property appraisal and review of property documentation. After the manager’s evaluation and coordination with the borough solicitor to his satisfaction, the terms and conditions will be acted upon by borough council.

A possible contract with First Regional Compost Authority was authorized by council. The borough manager, in consultation with the borough solicitor, will coordinate to achieve an acceptable contract with FRCA and submit it to council for its vote.

Council authorized the advertising of lawn care services. Council seeks a third party to cut grass on borough-owned property.

The borough manager was authorized to execute a one-year contract extension with JP Mascaro for municipal solid waste services for 2026. The borough manager and borough solicitor are to collaborate on the contract extension before adopting the extension.

Resolution 2025-001 reappointed members to the zoning hearing board.

Resolution 2025-002, adding public works employees as parking code officials, was not acted upon.

Ordinance 2024-737 was adopted to create an accessible parking zone in the 100 block of North Walnut Street immediately after the yellow curbing on the east side of North Walnut Street.

All resolutions and ordinances are available for review by visiting bathborough.org or calling the borough office.

The next council meeting will be 6 p.m. Feb. 10 at borough hall, 121 S. Walnut St. It is a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and virtual options. Visit bathborough.org for information about accessing the meeting virtually.
