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Mentoring program discussed

During the Catasauqua Communities That Care meeting Jan. 15, coalition members discussed the potential of starting a mentoring program in the district. It was noted there is a particular interest at Catasauqua Middle School and incorporating a student-to-student mentoring model.

It was questioned if it was possible to train high school students to be mentors to the younger students. Coalition members will explore options through the Center for Humanistic Change and Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Lehigh Valley.

Lois Reed, organizer of the Catasauqua Community Cares Program, provided an update on the group’s efforts to support economically disadvantaged students in the district. She noted they are sending about 110 bags home with students each week.

According to Reed, they purchased chicken and burger patties, frozen pizzas, Uncrustables and more for the longer Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. She reported they received enough donations to have turkeys for each family that needed it during Thanksgiving, as well as a turkey or ham for Christmas. There were about 130 coats given out at the November distribution.

While the district is not receiving anything from Second Harvest Food Bank, Reed mentioned Feed the Children gave them a donation of personal care products, such as deodorant, tampons, sanitary napkins, razors and more. Additionally, Lehigh Valley Educators Credit Union donated $10,000 to C3P.

Reed reported one of her biggest hurdles is finding places that will let her buy items in bulk. They like to provide similar items for each students receiving food, requiring her to buy a lot of the same things.

There was discussion about becoming a United Way community school. This would include a corporate partnership, which could help C3P in acquiring the items it needs.

Reed also mentioned there has been an increase in homeless students, which requires special consideration for the food items. These students may not have access to the same equipment, so Reed tries to ensure they have food they can still enjoy, no matter their living situation.

Amy Dymond-Jones, CMS counselor and CTC coordinator, reported they are still working on bringing vaping programs to the district.

She also noted the CMS students took a survey on the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. These surveys will provide them with student feedback.

In a related manner, it was noted student athletes were given surveys to garner their feedback, which will be shared with coaches. It had been reported the sports surveys are only the beginning, and they may also be given to other clubs and organizations in the future.

Dymond-Jones reported they are working on defining bullying with the CMS students to help them understand the difference between someone having a rude or mean moment or actual bullying. Some of the identifying factors being explained are the imbalance of power and instances happening over time.

The school district has a contract with Salisbury Behavioral Health to provide services in the school. According to Dymond-Jones, there are four therapists who work in the district, and there are wait lists of other students seeking mental and behavioral health services.

Additionally, Weller Center presentations are being planned at the elementary-school level.

The next Catasauqua CTC meeting is set for 7:45 a.m. Feb. 19.