Moore Township leaders reorganize
At the Jan. 6 Moore Township Board of Supervisors reorganization meeting, the board re-elected Supervisor Daniel Piorkowski to occupy the chairperson seat for the next two years. Supervisor David Shaffer was re-elected to be the vice chairman for the next two years.
Resolution 2025-1 was adopted to appoint Stephen Nowroski as the township manager and treasurer. Katherine Yost was appointed the township secretary. Jason Harhart was appointed as the township’s zoning and building officer, with an alternate also appointed.
The supervisors approved the 2025 meeting schedule and established deadlines and payment for invoices on the last Monday of the month. Designated depository organizations were picked.
David Backenstoe was appointed the township solicitor for 2025. Kevin Horvath was appointed as township engineer.
The board appointed a township auditor and appointed the earned income tax collector. A delegate was appointed to the Northampton tax collection committee, and a local services tax collector was appointed by the board.
Appointments were made for Road Masters, Ian Stout as the sewage enforcement officer and an alternate sewage enforcement officer to a one-year term. Angelo Cavallo was appointed to the chairperson of the township’s vacancy board.
The supervisors appointed a member of the zoning hearing board to a five-year term.
Resolution 2025-2 was approved for Nowroski’s appointment to be the township’s open records officer, with Harhart as the alternate open records officer.
The supervisors appointed Robert Hindley to remain the township’s emergency management coordinator. Richard Gable was appointed as the township’s representative to the First Regional Compost Authority.
Nowroski was appointed to be the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors voting delegate on behalf of the township.
Resolutions 2025-3 established the subdivision and land development application review and fee schedule. The board also established township junkyard permit rates, solicitation permits and animal boarding fees.
Three members to the township planning commission, a member to the historical commission, two members to the land and environmental protection board and two members to the Community Days committee were appointed by the supervisors.
There are three openings on the Americans with Disability Act committee, with no applicants at this time.
Employee non-contract wages were approved, and the IRS mileage rate of 70 cents per mile was approved.
All appointments and resolutions are available for resident review by contacting the township office or visiting
The next Moore Township Board of Supervisors meeting is set for 6 p.m. Feb. 4 in the municipal building, 2491 Community Drive.