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Girl Scout Cookie season has arrived in Northwestern


Special to The Press

The second most wonderful time of the year is here.

Girl Scouts around Northwestern Lehigh are getting ready for the 2025 cookie season which runs Jan. 16 through March 9.

Cookie booths will start popping up in places such as Northwestern Lehigh High School, Weisenberg Elementary School, Giovanni’s Pizza, New Tripoli Bank, Wanamaker’s store and Dunkin’ on Old Route 22.

All of the same cookies from last year will be back, including fan favorites Thin Mints, Caramel Delights and Peanut Butter Patties.

This is final year for the Toast-Yay cookie as it will be retired after this season.

While cookie prices in other areas have increased, 2025 prices locally will remain $5 a box and $6 for a bag of the gluten-free caramel chocolate chip cookie.

The girls have been busy preparing for cookie season.

On Jan. 10, Daisies and Brownies from Service Unit 736 attended a Cookie Rally.

This year’s theme is Embracing Possibility and the 2025 mascot is Mei Lan the Panda.

Girls participated in booth role play, made wearable cookie art, played games and taste tested cookies as they built the skills needed for a successful season.

The event was hosted at Christ’s Church at Lowhill and organized by Troop 6078.

Special thank you to Cadettes from Troops 68 (Annie, Katie, Michaela) and 650 (Brynn, Zadie) who ran activities.

The younger girls love learning from their older Girl Scout sisters.

Jan. 11, was another busy preparation day.

Despite a fresh coat of snow that morning, girls and volunteers were out in the cold, picking up their initial cookie orders from Dorney Park, South Whitehall.

Cookies are stacked in houses and garages across the area, waiting for girls to start selling on Jan. 16.

Troop 650 also held its cookie rally Saturday.

Cookies help Troops raise funds for activities, service and adventures, as well as teach girls important life skills like communication, customer service, and sales.

Everyone is invited to contact a local Scout or to stop by a booth to buy cookies.

PRESS PHOTO COURTESY LORIBETH KNAUSSTroop 650 of New Tripoli attend a cookie rally to get ready for cookie season.
PRESS PHOTO COURTESY LAUREN WALDSPURGERJaelia Waldspurger with Troop 6078, Lowhill, stands with the wall of cookies she just helped stack in her home. Her mom is the Troop cookie parent, one of the many volunteers who help make Girl Scout Cookie season a success for these girls.
PRESS PHOTO COURTESY GIRL SCOUTSBrownie Troop 6078, Lowhill, is excited for Girl Scout Cookie season. Taking part are (back) Lynette Cooper, Emerson Derr, Ingrid Reuscher, Amelia Dupont, Emma Shoemaker, (front) Annika Kandle, Jade Reinhart and Jaelia Waldspurger.
Emma Shoemaker, Hannah Gross, Lydia Reigle, MacKenzie Green, Ari, Ingrid Reuscher, learn about and sample the cookies to help them be prepared saleswomen.