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Upper Milford Township reorganizes for year ahead

The Upper Milford Township board of supervisors’ first meeting of the new year opened with the approval of Dan Mohr as chairman and Angela Ashbrook as vice chairman for 2025.

Former Supervisor Chairman John Zgura assumed duties as a regular supervisor for 2025. Attorney Eric Strauss was present as solicitor.

Numerous designations for 2025 positions were approved throughout the meeting.

Ashbrook was approved to return as board representative for Lehigh County Authority business meetings and to serve as alternate to township manager on voting matters.

Ashbrook was also approved to continue as board representative to the Agricultural Security Board.

Aurora Pattishall was approved as a member of the zoning hearing board through Jan. 7, 2030. Alternate Shelly Zgura was approved to the zoning hearing board through Jan. 3, 2028.

John Hayes was reappointed to the vacancy board for the prescribed annual term. Timothy Anger was reappointed to the emergency services committee through Jan. 3, 2028.

Ronald Guth was reappointed as a member to the planning commission through Jan. 8, 2029 while Ellen Larmer was reappointed as alternate to the planning commission through Jan. 8, 2029.

Jon Levin was reappointed to the Emmaus Borough/Upper Milford Township Joint Environmental Advisory Council with a term expiring Jan. 3, 2028. In addition to Levin, Zgura and Scott Bieber were reappointed to the open space committee with terms expiring Jan. 3, 2028.

Also, John Lebeduik and Hayes were reappointed to the recreation committee through Jan. 7, 2030.

Finally, Robin Rotherham was appointed to the Emmaus Public Library board of directors through Jan. 3, 2028.

Mohr read a list of resolutions for 2025 approved by the board. These included: Reappointment and setting of wages of township officials (001), reappointment of township solicitor (002), hourly employee wage schedule (003), reappointment of zoning hearing board solicitor, alternate zoning hearing board solicitor and court reporter (004), reappointments, appointments and acknowledgments to boards, committees and representatives (005), reappointment of township engineer (006), reappointment of address assignment consultant (007), reappointment of township accounting service consultant (008), reappointing a third party electrical and construction code agency (009) and setting bonding for treasurer, township manager and assistant manager (010).

In addition, resolutions 011 through 018 were all approved.

There was no public comment.

The meeting schedule for 2025 was approved and established the first and third Thursday of each month from February through December as “stated meetings.” Workshop meetings will be scheduled and advertised as needed. Meetings begin 7 p.m. unless conflicts arise in which a suitable date and time will be decided and proper notice will be made public.

Special meetings may be held when the business load is “excessive” for a particular meeting. These special meetings will be determined by the board of supervisors.

The board approved attendance for township supervisors, staff and its solicitor for the PA State Association of Township Supervisors convention scheduled May 4-7 in Hershey.

Mohr was designated as the official voting delegate to the PSATS Convention with Ashbrook approved as the alternate.

Acceptance of this reorganizational meeting was approved as well as all open bills for 2024 were approved for payment.

The elected auditor’s meeting was held Jan. 7.

In new business, a letter of engagement for the 2024 financial year audit by CR & Y CPA was approved.

Also in new business, Upper Milford Township Manager Bud Carter reminded the board the PA Turnpike has indicated it would like to remove the overpass that carries the Northeast Extension of the turnpike over Mill Road. Carter asked Upper Milford Township Traffic Engineer Peter Terry of Benchmark Civil Engineering to “provide the township with a quote to perform a study of what impacts closing Mill Road would have for emergency vehicles using Jasper Road as their detour.”

Areas to be examined are Jasper Road and the Turnpike SB emergency access, 90 degree curve adjacent to 4914 Jasper Road, Jasper Road/Shimerville Road intersection and Shimerville Road/Mill Road intersection. According to a letter read by Carter, the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission will reimburse the township for the cost of this study. The board approved this agreement with Benchmark Civil Engineering Services for $21,800.

Carter also read a memo regarding completed improvements to the major subdivision of Stone Ridge Estates.

The developer requested the township take dedication of Hunter Lane and the right of way on Brunner Road. Upper Milford Township Engineer Jeff Ott reviewed all the improvements and agreed the improvements have been completed according to plan. A deed of dedication was prepared by the township solicitor as well as the maintenance agreement. Developer Double D Lehigh L.P. had signed both documents. The board approved the deeds of dedication for Hunter Lane and Brunner Road. The 18-month maintenance period started Jan. 7 and the amount of security is still posted through the 18 months.

Finally, the board approved $79,792.63 be released regarding the completed improvements at Estates at Maple Ridge in security release #7, as well as security release #8 for $266,328.88 per letter from Upper Milford Township Engineer Jeffrey Ott.

The next meeting is scheduled 7 p.m. Jan. 16 in the township building, 5671 Chestnut St.

Press Photo by Lisa DraperUpper Milford Township Supervisor Dan Mohr assumes the responsibilities of chairman of the board of supervisors for 2025 at the first meeting of the year Jan. 6.