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North Catasauqua police

North Catasauqua police responded to these and other calls recently.

DEC. 23

An alleged DUI in the 1400 block of Main Street was investigated.

Police were on the scene of a hit and run in the 700 block of Hunter Street.

Traffic citations were issued in the 1400 block of Main Street.

Officers responded to alarms on Locust Street and on Main Street, Catasauqua.

Police assisted citizens in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

DEC. 24

Officers were on the scene of a natural gas leak in the 1300 block of Fourth Street.

A traffic warning was issued in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

People assisted citizens in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

DEC. 25

A hit and run involving a collision of a motor vehicle and an animal brought police to Howertown Road and Grove Street.

Traffic warnings were issued at Howertown Road and Grove Street, in the 1400 block of Main Street and at Howertown Road and Hunter Street.

The department assisted outside agencies on South Second Street, Coplay, and Second Street, Catasauqua.

DEC. 26

Police investigated a report of a suspicious vehicle in the 1100 block of Fourth Street.

A security check was conducted in the 700 block of Grove Street.

Traffic warnings were issued at Howertown Road and Hunter Street, Fourth and Cypress streets and Second and Buttonwood streets.

A report of a suspicious person in the 1600 block of Washington Street was investigated.

Officers assisted citizens in the 1000 and 1100 blocks of Fourth Street.

DEC. 27

Police were on the scene of an animal complaint in the 600 block of Wyandotte Street.

School bus enforcement measures were taken in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

DEC. 28

Officers investigated an alarm in the 1000 block of American Street.

Traffic warnings were issued at Fourth and Almond streets and Main and Fourth streets.

A reckless driver in the 1000 block of Howertown Road was reported.

Police assisted a citizen in the 1000 block of Fifth Street.

The department assisted outside agencies on Railroad and Front streets, Catasauqua.

DEC. 29

Traffic warnings were issued at Howertown Road and Grove Street and Main and Fourth streets.

DEC. 30

Police assisted citizens in the 1000 block of Fourth Street.

Traffic warnings were issued at Arch and Front streets, Second and Buttonwood streets and Howertown Road and Grove Street.

The department assisted outside agencies on Second Street, at American and Kurtz streets and at Second and Union streets, all in Catasauqua.

DEC. 31

Officers were on the scene of an alarm in the 800 block of Hendon Lane.

A report of a domestic disturbance in the 700 block of Locust Street brought police to the scene.

Police conducted a security check in the 1400 block of Main Street.

A traffic warning was issued at Main and Fourth streets.