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School board accepts PSBA principles


Special to The Press

Parkland School Board President Rob Cohen highlighted the importance of the Pennsylvania School Boards Association’s Principles for Governance and Leadership at the Dec. 17, 2024, meeting.

“They show the public we take our responsibilities seriously and show we have standards to maintain,” stated Cohen.

He read aloud the seven directives which comprise the PSBA document, which is posted on a wall in the Parkland Administration Center.

The principles are: Lead Responsibly, Act Ethically, Plan Thoughtfully, Evaluate Continuously, Communicate Clearly, Advocate Earnestly, and Govern Effectively.

“As elected and appointed board members, our actions have short- and long-term impact in the classroom,” said Cohen.

He asked for a roll-call vote to allow each board member to express an opinion on the matter.

The vote was unanimous with each school board director pledging to uphold the principles.

All board members were present.

“This confirms the pride I have in the Parkland board and administration,” said Cohen,

Throughout the state, Parkland and other school boards are committed to providing opportunities for every student to achieve, reports the PSBA.

Moving on to the new year, Cohen announced a 6 p.m. workshop session, open to the public, will precede the 7 p.m. Jan. 21 board meeting.

On Jan. 13, the academics, arts and athletics committee will meet at 5 p.m.; the Facilities and Operations Committee at 6 p.m., and the Policy and Finance Committee at 7 p.m.

The public is invited to attend the committee meetings.