Growing Green: A monstera of a houseplant for 2025
Special to The Press
Each year the National Garden Bureau (NGB) selects a “Year of the” plant in six categories, one being houseplant.
The NGB deemed the 2025 houseplant the “Year of the Monstera.”
Monstera is commonly known as split-leaf philodendron, cut-leaf philodendron, and Swiss cheese plant because of the structure of its leaves.
Monstera is not a philodendron, though both are in the arum plant family, Araceae.
This plant family also includes calla lily, elephant ear, Jack-in-the-pulpit, and the titan arum (the corpse flower). They all share the same type of flower: an inflorescence of a spadix and spathe.
All parts of the monstera plant are toxic to humans and pets if ingested, except for the fully ripe fruit, rarely seen in a houseplant.
It is also recommended that you use gloves when handling the plant because of the possibility of contacting dermatitis. The toxic agent is calcium oxalate crystals: oxalic acid.
Monstera is a tropical, understory plant, native to the rainforests of Central America. There are more than 50 species of monstera and many cultivars.
The most well-known houseplant species is Monstera deliciosa.
In the wild, this species is a climbing evergreen vine that grows 30 to 70 feet tall with a spread of 6 to 10 feet.
As it climbs into the trees, it becomes epiphytic, meaning it grows on the tree but gets its nutrients from rain and air.
Indoors, it will still reach six to eight feet tall and will need something sturdy to climb. Moss sticks, trellises, bamboo stakes and boards covered with sphagnum moss will all work.
The plant will need to be gently attached to the support, using its roots or stalk. In nature, monstera uses the aerial roots that form at the base of its leaves to attach to the rainforest trees.
Monstera is most noted for its large leaves, which are simple, alternate, cordate (heart-shaped) and with a long petiole. Juvenile leaves are small, green and mostly entire (uncut).
As the leaves mature, they become very large, glossy green and perforated or cut.
The leaf holes or fenestrations are thought to allow for the wind to pass easily through the leaves.
Leaves can reach up to one foot or more, wide and tall.
Monstera prefers warm temperatures between 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit and hates cold drafts.
Select a site near a sunny window where it can receive bright light but not direct sun. It will get “leggy” in lower light.
As in its native environment, monstera likes humidity, preferably above 50 percent. This plant may benefit from the addition of a nearby humidifier if the indoor space is very dry.
Water thoroughly and let the top one to two inches of the soil dry out between waterings. Over-watering can result in root rot.
When planting and repotting, use a well-draining soilless potting mix that is rich with organic matter and has a neutral pH (6.0 to 8.0). Charcoal, bark or perlite can be added to a purchased mix.
Fertilize every two weeks through the growing season and monthly through the winter with a balanced houseplant fertilizer.
Monstera is propagated easily through air layering or stem cuttings. It grows quickly and is a great floor plant for large spaces.
Few diseases plague this plant.
As with other houseplants, watch for scale, aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, thrips and fungus gnats. Treat accordingly.
To reduce the incidence of problems, give monstera the cultural requirements it desires.
“Growing Green” is contributed by Diane Dorn, Lehigh County Extension Office Staff, and Master Gardeners. Information: Lehigh County Extension Office, 610-391-9840; Northampton County Extension Office, 610-813-6613