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Fastsigns sign fast approved

In their last meeting for 2024 on Dec. 16 in the Rotunda, the Bethlehem Historic Conservation Commission granted a certificate of appropriateness for signage for 117 E. Fourth St.

Presenting the proposal were Cheryl Green from FASTSIGNS Allentown. The approved backlit dimensional letters mounted on the entrance canopy spell out “The Marshall,” the name of the newly-constructed residential over commercial building. The half-inch thick brushed aluminum letters are 14 inches high.

The nearby halo-lit wall-mounted sign featuring the logo measures 43.25 inches wide by 48 inches high.

It was stipulated it be fastened to mortar joints and the lighting be no greater than 2700 Kelvin.

Voting was unanimous. President Gary Lader recused himself as he had been involved previously with the project. Vice Chair Craig Evans officiated.

Lader, as a “member of the public,” suggested clarifying the COA to offer some flexibility on the final mounting height with a minimum of 3 feet from sidewalk to the underside of the sign and a maximum of 9 feet from sidewalk to the top of the sign.

The recently-construction residential over commercial building is owned by Lehigh SH Development LLC.

The Bethlehem HCC is charged with the task of determining if new signs or other alterations to a building’s exterior would be an appropriate fit for the neighborhood in one of three designated historic districts.

Obtaining a certificate of appropriateness is only a first step for business owners and residents in a designated historic district who wish to make alterations to a building’s exterior. The commission’s recommendations are later reviewed, and then voted on by city council before any project is allowed to proceed.

Press photo by Ed CourrierAt left, Cheryl Green from FASTSIGNS Allentown provides a sample of the type of backlit lettering proposed for 117 E. Fourth St. From left and HCC board members Mike Simonson, Todd Chambers, Chairman Gary Lader and Vice Chair Craig Evans, with Historic Officer Jeffrey Long in foreground at right.
Contributed photoRendering of FASTSIGNS Allentown conceptual design for signage for “The Marshall” building at 117 E. Fourth St.
Contributed photoFASTSIGNS Allentown detail of the backlit dimensional letters for 117 E. Fourth St.
Contributed photoFASTSIGNS Allentown detail of the halo-lit wall-mounted logo for 117 E. Fourth St.