Tax millage rate set for 2025 in Lower Milford
The Lower Milford Township Board of Supervisors met Dec. 19, 2024 for its final regular meeting of the year, covering a wide range of township business. The meeting began with the call to order, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
The meeting is open to public comments throughout, allowing residents to voice their concerns and suggestions on township matters.
The minutes of the Nov. 21, 2024 meeting were reviewed and approved without amendments. The township treasurer’s report, as of Nov. 30, 2024, detailed the financial status of various funds, including the general fund at $1,920,291, the sewer fund at $112,356 and the fire fund at $302,049. Other funds, such as the historical registry fund, fee-in-lieu fund and American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 fund were also noted.
The supervisors authorized the payment of December 2024 bills, ensuring township operations remain financially on track.
Reports from various departments were presented, including the administrator’s report, zoning report, public works report and the administrative assistant report, all reflecting the township’s activities in November 2024. Additionally, the Macungie Ambulance and fire company provided updates; however, there was no library report.
The Macungie Ambulance report showed four calls to the township in November.
A representative from the fire company announced in their report there was a CO2 gas rescue and the rescued couple provided a sizable donation to thank them. Additionally, he thanked township Administrator Emily Fucci for helping to get grant requests written for the new required radios. It looks promising they will be able to get all the grant money necessary to afford all the radios needed.
In old business, the board tabled Ordinance No. 141, which would vacate township road T-432, Janes Lane and declare it a private road. A representative of the property owners on Janes Lane asked for more time so they can continue to pursue Pennsylvania Department of Transportation permits to help make access to the road safer. The supervisors then authorized a truck restriction on Milky Way Road and ratified the cancellation of an open burn ban.
Under new business, the board ratified the reallocation of ARPA funds and reviewed the 2024 Bridge and Culvert Inspection Report. Several resolutions were adopted, including Resolution 2024-16, adding land to the agricultural security area and Resolution 2024-17, opposing state House Bills 1976 and 2045.
Resolution 2024-18 set the tax millage for 2025 at 0.67756 mills and Resolution 2024-19 established a special tax millage for fire services at 0.33878 mills. The board also appointed a CPA through Resolution 2024-20 and formally adopted the annual municipal budget for the 2025 fiscal year under Resolution 2024-21.
Additional items included approving a change in the solicitor rate for the zoning hearing board, reviewing the Department of Environmental Protection sewage inspection report for the Limeport Wastewater Treatment Plant and addressing requests from the tax collector for updates to fees and compensation. However, the supervisors decided to table a decision on the tax collector raise until the February meeting after more information was gathered on the amount of bills collected.
Correspondence items such as a Social Security newsletter, notices from the Lehigh County Board of Assessment Appeals and donation requests from organizations like Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful and the Pennsylvania Leadership Institute were acknowledged.
The meeting concluded with public comments, with a resident asking when the rest of the trees will be trimmed in the community, as he was weary of limbs hanging on the road. Supervisor Ellen Koplin said she would speak with public works to do an assessment.
The meeting concluded after that same resident started getting heated with the supervisors about an issue with his neighbor. With no further business, the supervisors adjourned.
The next Lower Milford Township Board of Supervisors meeting will be held 6:30 p.m. Jan. 6 at the township building, 7607 Chestnut Hill Church Road.