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DEC. 31

• Silvester Feier New Year’s Eve celebration, 3-7 p.m., in the social hall at Coplay Saengerbund, 205 S. Fifth St. Information, cost and reservations (required): Cathy at 610-262-8372 or Evelyn at 484-281-3025

JAN. 2

• Holiday train display open house (organized by Explorer Post 101), 7-9 p.m., in room 201 at Coplay Borough Hall, 98 S. Fourth St. The display will continue noon-4 p.m. Jan. 4 and 5, 2025. Information: Michael at 484-633-6581

JAN. 4

• Free fly-tying course (organized by Hokendauqua Trout Unlimited), at Northampton Area Middle School. The course will run for eight consecutive Saturdays. All materials and tools will be provided. Information, time and registration: Dale Ott at 610-262-7598 or hokendauqua.tu.org/hokendauqua/fly-tying-course

• “Frozen” free movie showing, 11 a.m., at Coplay Public Library, 49 S. Fifth St. Information: 610-262-7351

• Holiday train display open house (organized by Explorer Post 101), noon-4 p.m., in room 201 at Coplay Borough Hall, 98 S. Fourth St. The display will continue noon-4 p.m. Jan. 5. Information: Michael at 484-633-6581

JAN. 5

• All-you-can-eat breakfast, 8-11 a.m., at Petersville Rod and Gun Club, 550 Club Road. Information and cost (children under age 5 eat for free): 610-261-2210 after 4 p.m.

• Holiday train display open house (organized by Explorer Post 101), noon-4 p.m., in room 201 at Coplay Borough Hall, 98 S. Fourth St. Information: Michael at 484-633-6581

JAN. 6

• Epiphany service and Holy Communion, 7 p.m., at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 4331 Main St., Whitehall