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Borough bids farewell to longtime solicitor

At the Nov. 12 Bath Borough Council meeting, council President Frank Hesch, Mayor Fiorella Reginelli Mirabito and borough Manager Bradley Flynn each said kind words of appreciation to Solicitor James Kratz, who is ending his more than 20 years as the borough solicitor.

Hesch noted he enjoyed working with Kratz and thanked him for all he did for the borough.

“Thank you for all you have done,” Reginelli Mirabito said. “You are one of the family here.”

“Your expertise has enriched our community,” Flynn said. “I am grateful for your help.”

In other business, council adopted ordinance 2024-736, creating a Bath Borough MS4 Authority. Council, based on solicitor advice, chose to institute an authority to address all the issues related to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) regulations.

Resolution 2024-009 adopted the borough budget, dated Nov. 12, retaining the same real estate millage rate as 2024. Resolution 2024-010 adopted the 2025 schedule of fees.

Resolution 2024-011 approved the conditional preliminary/final subdivision consideration for the 450 N. Chestnut St. Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (SALDO) application. Resolution 2024-012 approved the Department of Environmental Protection sewage module resolution plan revision for new land development at the same address.

Resolution 2024-013 to allow public works employees to act as parking code officials was tabled.

The Bath Borough Historical Committee continues work on the list of borough veterans. They are collecting the names of veterans from all wars.

Council approved the Old Forge Estates streetlight replacement solar LED project contract with Billitier in an amount not to exceed $400,599.