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Partner school students invited to ‘Royal Tea Party’ Jan. 18

Great job to the Allentown Central Catholic High School Music Department for putting on a fantastic annual Christmas concert Dec. 10. Congratulations to students Zaylan Gibson and Beatrice Robinson for being chosen for the Lehigh County Honor Band. They will perform with more than 100 other high school musicians in Lehigh County.

Congratulations to the Scholastic Scrimmage team for winning 315-195 in the quarterfinals against Palmerton High School. The team has qualified for the final four competition. Great job to Kyle Fleshman, Matt Keenan, George Nimeh, Matt Alvarado and Jim Langan.

During the week of Dec. 16-20, students participated in Christmas Spirit Week. Dress Down Day themes included Christmas Pajama Day, Ugly Christmas Sweater Day, Snow Storm Day, Christmas Character Day and Red vs. Green Day.

On Dec. 20, students enjoyed a Christmas Extravaganza assembly that included games, music and performances.

Register for CYO Youth Wrestling by Dec. 26. CYO athletes in pre-K through sixth grade who may be future ACCHS students are eligible for co-op with Salisbury Youth Association. Find more information at: syasports.net/wrestling.

Viking Basketball Alumni Day will be held Dec. 28. A social at Jordan AC will take place after the games. The alumni game will be held 9:30-11 a.m. in Rockne Hall. The boys basketball Christmas Tournament Championship game will be 3:30 p.m. The Christmas Tournament Consolation game will be 5 p.m. To RSVP, contact Dennis Csensits at dcsensits@acchs.info.

ACCHS wrestling is holding a hoagie and soup sale through Dec. 30. Delivery is Jan. 14, 2025. Island Expressions hoagies and soups are being sold. Gift cards are also available. Payment can be given to any wrestler or through Venmo: Tara-Craig-2. Contact Tara Craig with questions at: taramariecraig@gmail.com or call 484-951-1875. Thank you for supporting ACCHS wrestling’s participation in tournaments, equipment needs and more.

There is still time to enter the ACCHS freshman tuition credit raffle. Apply by Dec. 31 for the second drawing of $3,000. Apply by Feb. 2, 2025 for the third drawing of $3,000. Plus, you can also save $200 on the application fee if you apply by Feb. 2, 2025. Go to www.acchs.info/apply to fill out the online application and submit your registration fee via the PayPal link. Anyone who applies before the deadline is entered into the tuition raffle.

Applicants can only win once. Contact Cara Meskill, director of admissions, with questions at 610-437-4601, ext. 148 or cmeskill@acchs.info.

Any ninth, 10th and 11th grade students interested in Lehigh Career and Technical Institute programs for next school year can attend the information session 10 a.m. Jan. 8, 2025 in Room 501. Students can sign up through Naviance.

ACCHS softball will host a gift card bingo Jan. 17, 2025 at St. John the Baptist Social Hall, 924 N. Front St., Allentown. Tickets include 15 hardboard games and five specials. Doors open 5:30 p.m. for food and games start 6:45 p.m. There will also be a basket raffle. If you are interested in attending, contact any member of the softball team or email eldrost@gmail.com.

ACCHS partner school students are invited to a “Royal Tea Party” benefiting the spring musical 2:30-4:30 p.m. Jan. 18, 2025 in Masson Auditorium. There is a cost and limited availability. The ticket includes tea, juice, water, finger food, snacks and activities such as arts and crafts, face painting, story time and photos with a princess. Attendees are welcome to come dressed in royal or princess attire. Save your spot by visiting https://bit.ly/41BPZ2D.

PRESS PHOTOS BY RACHEL FLECKAllentown Central Catholic High School students wear Christmas sweaters for Christmas Spirit Week.
CONTRIBUTED PHOTOStudents dress in Christmas pajamas during Christmas Spirit Week.
Partner school students enjoy an “Afternoon in Santa’s Workshop” hosted by Allentown Central Catholic High School.
The Allentown Central Catholic High School Dance Team performs a Christmas dance during halftime at the basketball game Dec. 13.