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Citizens’ Fire Company offers design for new truck

The last meeting of the year for the Upper Milford Township Board of Supervisors opened Dec. 19 with no public input. However, in new business, representatives from the Citizens’ Fire Company of Upper Milford Township presented specifications for a new truck to the board.

Fire Chief Kris Bawden, Assistant Chief Lucas Andrews and Deputy Chief Kyle Reiss shared the design depicting the specifications on the truck as well providing 214 pages of details regarding the specific details of the truck. The old truck is becoming too costly to repair and needs to be replaced.

Some of the details shared included a description of the Commander chassis, 60 mph top speed, turbo charger, 500 horsepower, 2,500 gallon water tank and a height of 10 feet, 3 inches that can maneuver under all bridges in the township as well as in Emmaus. Insta-Chains and trying to maintain four seats in the back and two seats up front were also part of the discussion with supervisors.

Supervisor Angela Ashbrook inquired if the two grants proposed in earlier meetings were submitted before the deadlines. Andrews confirmed they were. Bawden reminded the board the price of the truck will increase by approximately $53,000 in the new year due to increasing manufacturing costs. The estimated cost of the truck is $1.3 million.

Solicitor Marc Fisher noted the representatives are asking for permission to send their specifications to the Emergency Services Committee and will return to the board after the ESC discusses the specifications.

Chair John Zgura mentioned the board could use time throughout the holidays to read the 214 pages of details regarding the specifications of the new truck.

One resident wondered if the new truck has less capacity than the old truck and Andrews commented “it has more ... “2,500 gallon water tank with a pump of 1,500 gallons per minute.” The resident asked if this meant they could only pump for approximately one and a half minutes? Andrews responded, “Only if you are pumping at 1,500 gallons a minute.”

According to the National Fire Protection Association Standards, a Type 3 fire engine has to have a minimum of a 500 gallon water tank and a pump capable of at least 150 gallons per minute at a pressure of 250 pounds per square inch. About 30 years ago, the average fire pump was 1,250 gallons per minute (gpm); but today it is 1,500 gpm and can even go as high as 2,250 gpm.

Supervisor Dan Mohr made the motion to recognize the Citizens’ Fire Company of Upper Milford asked that their report and truck design be sent to the ESC. Ashbrook seconded the motion and it passed. Fisher clarified the board is “only recognizing that the report be sent to the ESC” at this time.

In other business, the fire company shared Santa was scheduled to visit township neighborhoods beginning 10 a.m. Dec. 21. The map route was available on the Facebook page. They prepared 150 goody bags for Santa to hand out to the township children on the route. Mohr shared the Vera Cruz community recently enjoyed a catered holiday party. Also, the Emmaus Public Library hired Allison Floray as its new director. She will assume duties with a tentative start date of Jan. 6, 2025.

Manager Bud Carter said Tax Collector Deborah Seibert Schevets will not be running for re-election in 2025. The tax collector is an elected position and individuals interested in learning more about the responsibilities can contact Carter or Secretary/Treasurer Jessi O’Donald at the township building. Interested individuals would then need to run for this position in next year’s election.

In business for the new year, the recreation committee continues to work on developing a survey for residents and will meet 7 p.m. Jan. 20, 2025 in the township building.

Before adjourning, Zgura wished everyone a Merry Christmas, happy holidays and Happy New Year.

The board of supervisors held an executive session after this meeting concluded to discuss a legal matter. No decision was made at this time.

It was noted there will be no supervisors meeting Jan. 2, 2025.

The reorganizational meeting of the board of supervisors will take place 7 p.m. Jan. 6, 2025.

An auditor’s meeting will be held 4 p.m. Jan. 7, 2025.

Both meetings will be held in the township building, 5671 Chestnut St.

PRESS PHOTO BY LISA DRAPERCitizens’ Fire Company of Upper Milford Township Fire Chief Kris Bawden, Deputy Chief Kyle Reiss and Assistant Chief Lucas Andrews address the board of supervisors.
PRESS PHOTO BY LISA DRAPERCitizens’ Fire Company of Upper Milford Township Fire Chief Kris Bawden, Deputy Chief Kyle Reiss and Assistant Chief Lucas Andrews show the supervisors the specifications for a new truck.