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Several new hires approved in Salisbury

The Salisbury Township School District Board of Directors held a brief regular school board meeting Dec. 4. There were no treasurer’s or secretary’s reports and no items for approval from the curriculum and technology or finance committees.

During the operations committee portion of the meeting, the board approved a facilities use agreement with the American Red Cross and granted approval for designated employees as authorized users of district procurement cards.

Personnel committee chairwoman Director Laura McKelvey brought several employment items to the board for approval namely, part-time long term substitute art teacher at Salisbury Middle School So Choi, full-time instructional assistant Melissa Mesce, SMS assistant football coach Jonah Miller and Salisbury High School JV girls basketball coach, Megan Templat. All motions were passed.

The board also approved teacher Katie Kern to mentor Kathleen Shermetta for the 2024-2025 school year.

The policy committee adopted Policy 826 which refers to HIPPA privacy.

In her superintendent’s report, Lynn Fuini-Hetten congratulated the Salisbury Elementary School Multi-Tiered System of Supports team who recently presented their MTSS approach at a statewide conference.

Fuini-Hetten also reported she had the opportunity to attend the new DaVinci Science Center facility on a superintendents’ tour. The new center is a resource that offers field trips, tours and presentations to help the district meet science, technology and engineering, environmental literacy and sustainability standards.

Also of note was the recent presentation of a check for $457,920 by state Reps. Peter Schweyer, D-134th and Josh Siegel, D-22nd along with state Sen. Nick Miller, D-14th. The much needed grant was awarded to the district to defray the cost of the water mitigation project at SES.

Mark your calendars for the spring celebration of the arts which includes the SMS spring concert 7 p.m. April 18, 2025, SHS spring concert 7 p.m. May 7, 2025 and the K-12 Art Show 5 p.m. May 8, 2025.

The Salisbury Theater Department will present this year’s spring musical “The Hello Girls” March 13-16, 2025.

Special thanks are in order for the Yurconic Agency for their generous donation to the Salisbury Education Foundation. This donation will enhance educational programs and support educational enhancements for the benefit of Salisbury students.

Schools will be closed for break Dec. 23 through Jan. 3, 2025. Schools will reopen Jan. 6, 2025.

Upcoming meetings include operations/finance committee 7 p.m. Jan. 15, 2025, curriculum and technology followed by a regular school board meeting 7 p.m. Jan. 22, 2025. All meetings will be held in the administration building, 1140 Salisbury Road, Allentown.
