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Coroner’s office provides influenza vaccines, tour of facility

The Lehigh County Coroners Office provided influenza vaccines and a tour of the facility recently.

Several families took advantage of the opportunity to inoculate themselves from the annual influenza endemic.

The families were then invited to tour the coroner’s facility and learn how the employees manage and process their duties as deputy coroners and staff.

Daysia Carter, of South Whitehall, doesn’t seem to mind receiving her influenza vaccine from Paramedic Taylor Hart, Cetronia Ambulance Corps, at the Lehigh County Coroner’s Office recently.
Luka Kochan is happy it’s daddy Matthew getting his flu shot from Jeff Kovalchik, National Registered Medic, at the Lehigh County Coroner’s Office.
RIGHT: Lehigh County Deputy Coroner Dylan Lehman is always ready to provide hot dogs to visitors during the Lehigh County Coroner’s office influenza vaccines and facility tour.
PRESS PHOTOS BY LOU WHEELANDGabrielle Riley, LCCO Investigator answers questions from visitors at the Lehigh County Coroner’s Office.