Zephyr Express
Published December 18. 2024 10:56AM
PRESS PHOTOS BY DONNA GEWERTZAmaziah Rodriguez has “the best day ever” with his shopping assistants Robert McGrath, of Lehigh Valley Health Network Security, and Ali Saylor, of Cetronia Ambulance Corps, during the Dec. 5 Zephyr Express holiday event. A select number of Whitehall-Coplay School District students and law enforcement and emergency personnel went on a shopping spree at Burlington on MacArthur Road in Whitehall.
Fourth-grade student Zachary Evert reviews his Christmas shopping list with WCSD School Resource Officer Matt Christman.
Officers from the Whitehall Township and Coplay Borough police departments, who assisted with the event, complete their day with a group photo with Santa and Mrs. Claus. Lehigh County Sheriff’s Department, Lehigh Valley Health Network Security and Cetronia Ambulance Corps also took part.
Members of Whitehall Township Fire Department and township administration are ready to escort the bus load of shoppers and volunteers from the Burlington store to Fellowship Community, an assisted living facility in Whitehall Township, where shoppers were treated to lunch and gift-wrapping services.
Second-grade student Valentina Berrios and her shopping assistant, Sgt. Shawn McHugh, of Whitehall Township Police Department, are excited with their find in the toy department.
Volunteers at Fellowship Community, including Whitehall-Coplay PTO PLUS and Whitehall Area Rotary Club members, help wrap the gifts while students enjoy lunch and visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus.
Sienna McCoy and her shopping assistant, Whitehall Officer Sierra Keegan, are ready to enjoy lunch together. Funding for the day was provided by donations from the community. The event was coordinated by WCSD and Zephyr Pride Foundation.