Council considers statutory code changes
During the Nov. 20 Hanover Township, Lehigh County, council meeting, council held a public hearing for a bill that, if adopted, will amend the statutory code of Hanover Township to establish procedures under Section I-201(4).
The bill will authorize contracts for the construction of public capital improvements by ordinance, to conform the statement of contracts exempt from bidding in sections 2-101(4) and I202(2)(D) to currently authorized amounts and to change the bid acceptance deadline to 30 minutes before the council meeting at which bids are opened.
The genesis of bill 2024-06 occurred at a recent meeting when council was asked to vote on a monetary change. Council members felt they had insufficient time to properly review and make a clear decision.
In other business, council voted to authorize release of final payment to New Enterprise Stone and Lime Company for the Troxell Street neighborhood mill and overlay project in the amount of $20,516.95.
New Enterprise Stone and Lime Company is a major supplier of construction materials and is a general contractor in the public and private sector.
A mill and overlay project is a road maintenance technique where the top layer of existing asphalt pavement is first removed using a milling machine and then replaced with a new layer of asphalt. This is a reportedly cost-effective way to extend the life of an existing asphalt street when the underlying base is still in good condition but the surface has deteriorated.
Council approved a petition of South-Southeast LLC for the rezoning of properties at 710, 750 and 760 Lloyd St. and 1520 and 1540 N. Irving St., allowing the rezoning to occur.
Council members received and approved the written reports from the building inspector, code enforcement, the fire department and public works maintenance.
Council approved the Nov. 6 regular council meeting minutes and voted to approve the township bills as presented to Nov. 20.
Council was expected to meet Dec. 4.
The next Hanover Township, Lehigh County, Council meeting is set for 7 p.m. Dec. 18 at the township municipal building, 2202 Grove Road, Allentown. Visit to review the meeting’s agenda.