Published December 03. 2024 04:22PM
On Nov. 8, Angela Faidley, the owner of Out of Your Minds Art Studio in Macungie, hosted a basket raffle fundraiser 6-8 p.m.
The fundraiser is known as Mandee’s Lunchbox and is in loving memory of Angela’s daughter Amanda Faidley Layton who died at 34 after her battle with cancer.
This was the fifth year Faidley and her friends host the fundraiser which yields $3,000-$4,000 to help adults fighting cancer.
More than 50 donated baskets were available. Attendees were welcome to purchase a sheet of tickets to place in the raffle for the baskets of their choice.
A steady stream of people arrived throughout the evening to support this cause.
All attendees were invited to take a painting of their choice at no cost so that every person leaves the event a winner.
Those interested in supporting the fundraiser may reach out to Angela Faidley.
Press Photos by Lisa DraperABOVE: Allie Heydorn, Angela Faidley, Kelli Heydorn, Patricia Kropf, Holly Heydorn, Rosemary Dowd and Taylor Faidley support the fundraiser in memory of Angela’s daughter Amanda Faidley Layton.
Macungie’s Out of Our Minds Art Studio owner Angela Faidley is pleased to see the support of the local community for helping adults fighting cancer. Through Mandee’s Lunchbox, Faidley has been able to raise more than $4,000 thanks to the community donating baskets and participating in the raffle.
Simon Ernst, of Upper Milford Township, chooses his painting from the table where everybody is a winner.