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It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

PRESS PHOTOS BY DONNA GEWERTZIt’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, as the official Northampton Borough Christmas tree and other decorations are lit Dec. 1, bringing festive lights to life at the corner of Lerchenmiller and Clear Springs drives. For safety concerns and to allow more space for the festivities, the tree lighting was moved this year from the intersection of Main Street and Laubach Avenue to the parking lot of the Northampton Recreation Center.
Students of Good Shepherd Catholic School, Northampton, provide vocal entertainment with a lively selection of Christmas carols for the audience.
From left, Mike Dreisbach, of Northampton Fire Department, assists residents Russ Pinkerton and Elias and Josie Dankel with soft pretzels and all the fixings, compliments of the fire department.
Kenzie Lesperance, a first-grade student at Good Shepherd Catholic School, gives a high five to Assistant Borough Manager Jerry Serencits after having had the honor of flipping the switch to light the tree. Borough Manager Brian Welsko watches over the proud moment.
Admiring the Christmas tree, its red bows and hundreds of lights are, from left, Marley and Valyn Genovese, Arielle Szilezy and Salem Genovese. The family resides in Northampton.
Sisters Morgan (left) and Madelyn Sayers, of Northampton, enjoy a visit with the Grinch and Mr. and Mrs. Claus during the festivities.