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Emmaus High School winter orchestra concert is held Nov. 21

Press Photos by C. Richard ChartrandEmmaus High School musicians presented the annual winter orchestra concert Nov. 21 at the school, 500 Macungie Ave., Emmaus. RIGHT: Pianist Caleb Kay performs Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata” as a prelude.
Kyra Kelly sings “I Wonder as I Wander” accompanied by the EHS Chamber Strings.PRESS PHOTOS BY C. RICHARD CHARTRAND
Musicians show their holiday spirit in elf hats and other seasonal touches for the finale performance of the work “Christmas Festival.”
Anna Chavolla-Ramirez and Brighton Yu are soloists in the piece “Bailes Para Orquesta.”
Colby Zheng and Santiago Chavolla Ramirez are soloists for the piece “My Spirit Be Joyful” with the Emmaus High School String Orchestra.
Members of the Sinfonia perform during the winter orchestra concert at Emmaus High School Nov. 21.