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Council appoints Bundra to mayoral role

Borough officials to name community plaza gazebo in memory of Burker

By a unanimous vote, Coplay Borough Council voted to appoint Joseph J. Bundra Jr. to the office of mayor Nov. 12. Bundra will fill the seat left vacant after Steve Burker’s death last month.

Burker was in the third year of his four-year term. Bundra will serve as mayor for the next 14 months. He thanked council for its support.

The open post was pursued by two former mayors — Bundra and John Milander. Both previously served as mayor for four years and served on borough council.

Milander was also a police officer for many years in the borough police department. He was unable to attend the meeting.

A third applicant was Chris Parker, who has lived in Coplay the last few years and previously lived in Northampton and Stiles for several decades.

Bundra touted his 14 years on council and four years as mayor. He talked about his numerous volunteer activities, including with the Ironton Rail Trail, St. Peter Roman Catholic Church, Coplay Recreation and Welfare Association, the park and recreation committee and other borough organizations.

Council approved resolution 1517 to fill the vacancy in the office of mayor with Bundra, with a term set to end Dec. 31, 2025. After the vote, borough Secretary/Treasurer Tiffany Benson administered the oath of office to Bundra. He took his seat as the new mayor immediately after.

Council also approved the naming of the community plaza gazebo, at North Second and Center streets, to be the Steve Burker Memorial Gazebo.

The next council meetings include a workshop meeting 7 p.m. Dec. 3, regular business meeting 7 p.m. Dec. 10 and a special meeting 6 p.m. Dec. 16 at borough hall, 98 S. Fourth St.

PRESS PHOTO BY BILL LEINER JR.Joseph J. Bundra Jr. takes the oath of office, administered by Tiffany Benson, to become the new mayor of Coplay Borough Nov. 12.