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HEIDELBERG H.A.R.P. to meet Nov. 5

H.A.R.P. with Heidelberg Union Church, 5187 Irvin Road, Slatington, will meet at 11 a.m. on Nov. 5 for a visit from Lindsy, Weis Market, who will speak about Healthy Eating for Seniors.

Bring a covered dish or dessert for lunch.

Talk to your neighbor, friend or guest to come hear this interesting message.

The group will meet for a Christmas Party at 11 a.m. Dec. 3.

Bring a $5 wrapped gift to play Now You Have It Now You Don’t.

Bring a neighbor, friend or guest to join in the fun.

They will enjoy a pizza lunch and any desserts participants would like to bring along to share.

H.A.R.P. will start off the new year with one of their favorite meetings at 11 a.m. on Jan. 7, 2025, BINGO.

Bring two new or recycled $1 wrapped gift items some one else may enjoy.

Dig out one of your favorite recipes to bring along for lunch.

New guests are always welcome to attend.