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Happy 105th birthday, Emma!

Preschool students at First Presbyterian Church of Allentown had an exciting day on Sept. 25 as they were invited to attend the birthday party of Emma Rath, who was celebrating her 105th birthday.

Emma was joined by her friends from the church Knitting and Sewing Group and her family members.

The centenarian plus five years still sews with the club to keep her fingers nimble.

Emma lives independently in South Whitehall with a caregiver who helps with chores around the house.

During her party, all the preschool students helped Emma sing “Happy Birthday” and presented her with homemade birthday cards.

PRESS PHOTO BY LOU WHEELANDEmma Rath, of South Whitehall Township, celebrates her 105th birthday recently with a party at First Presbyterian Church of Allentown. Story and additional photos appear on Page A8.
Members of First Presbyterian Church of Allentown’s Knitting and Sewing Group the Rev. Carter Lester, Rose Oywero, Emma Rath’s caregiver, Emma, Kathy Spencer, her daughter, (standing) Karen Johnson, Roberta Barber, Paula Butler, Emily Renninger, Sue O’Neill, Judy Mawhinney, Beth Samir, Susan Steiner, Joyce Gobrecht, Sally Brynes, Gayle Gable, Leslie Durant, Sharon Benson, Mary Freund, Pat Sabotta, Sandy Manning and Linda Boyle celebrated the 105th birthday of member Emma Rath.