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CWSA opts out of regional program

Coplay Whitehall Sewer Authority met Oct. 17 at the CWSA building on MacArthur Road.

General Manager Matt Harleman spoke about CWSA’s requested participation in the regional inflow and infiltration program by Lehigh County Authority. Based on the information given on how the program would work, Harleman suggested CWSA opt out.

The inclination is that they are asking for funds up front, and it’s likely they won’t be spent on anything pertaining to the Whitehall or Coplay areas. The board voted to opt-out, and the motion carried.

Community Affairs Officer Joseph Marx questioned the impact the opt-out motion will have on Act 537 compliance. Marx was assured by the board it will not have any impact.

In other business, Secretary Paul Geissinger questioned the status of the newly installed monitoring system at the Eberhart pumping station. Harleman said there were no abnormalities in the first month of monitoring.

Correspondence items, such as the Oct. 10 manager workshop agenda and notes, the 2025 estimate for treatment charges provided by LCA, the Kline’s Island Sewer System open house announcement and the distribution of the Authority Magazine to board members were all quickly mentioned with no elaboration.