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Waiver approved for antenna at Western District Fire Company

The Oct. 17 township meeting began with no public comment.

In new business, the board approved Resolution 2024-035 LSA for hoses. Secretary/Treasurer Jessi O’Donald said both fire companies applied for this grant, but the Western District was the only one accepted. However, the money acquired will be used to purchase hoses for both fire companies. Grants can only be applied for one entity through this Lehigh/Northampton counties grant so for the future, the needs of the fire companies will need to be combined into one entity for the purpose of this grant.

Manager Bud Carter asked for the board’s support to apply for grant money to be used for the new fire truck purchase. The deadline for the grant is Nov. 30.

A resident inquired why a fire tax is needed if they might get a $1 million grant? Carter reminded the resident grants are not guaranteed. President of the Board John Zgura added the new fire truck will cost $1.5 million and even if the grant is secured, there will still be a balance of $500,000 to pay.

Planning Coordinator Brian Miller shared Verizon Wireless has asked for the waiver to be approved by the township to build a mirror-like antenna to look like the sky on the Western District Fire Company property at 6341 Chestnut St.

The board approved the waiver and said it must be camouflaged to be used to make the arrays less visible. The date to begin this project has not yet been determined.

Supervisor Dan Mohr said “the township should be glad the cable is here. Once it is gone, then the township loses money.” The cost is $118,000 a year and the township receives 5% from the cable companies. This is income for the township lost in the future if cable is no longer provided to the township.

Carter addressed previous concerns for speeding in Zionsville noting additional signage will be completed before the end of the year. Additional painting will be done on the roads but this is weather-dependent, so he did not have a date of completion. He noted an engineering study would cost the township between $25,000 and $30,000. Zgura hopes the signs and paintings will slow down the traffic to avoid having to do an engineering study in the future.

Mohr said the Vera Cruz Halloween parade was well attended this year and everybody appeared to have a good time. Four trucks from Vera Cruz Fire Department participated in the parade as well as the Emmaus High School Marching Band.

Oct. 24 is a special meeting added specifically to discuss the 2025 draft budget. The meeting starts 6 p.m.

The next regular township meeting will be 7 p.m. Nov. 7. All meetings are held in the township building, 5671 Chestnut St., Zionsville.

Editor’s Note: On Oct. 21, Upper Milford Township fire chiefs instituted a burn ban effective immediately due to no rain in the forecast, low humidity and wind. The township will announce when the ban will be lifted based on weather.

PRESS PHOTO BY LISA DRAPERThe board approves a waiver for Verizon Wireless to build a mirror-like antenna to look like the sky on the property 6341 Chestnut St. that houses the Western District Fire Company. The board required that it be camouflaged to make the arrays less visible.