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LETTER TO THE EDITOR Writer says Mackenzie will bring the change we need

To the Editor:

This election, I am supporting Ryan Mackenzie for Congress because he represents a new generation of leadership our community desperately needs.

At a time when all of Washington is stuck in the past, Ryan brings a new perspective with real experience.

He has served in the Pennsylvania State House for over a decade and knows what it takes to get things done for working families.

Costs have been rising dramatically across the Lehigh Valley for everything from rent to groceries.

We need someone who understands the struggles of everyday Americans and the policies that can provide real relief.

Ryan has already delivered results by fighting to close corporate tax loopholes, supporting Pennsylvania’s energy industry, and working to bring down prices for working families.

His record truly speaks for itself.

While Susan Wild continues to prioritize special interests and reckless spending, Ryan is focused on practical solutions that benefit our community.

I believe he is the right choice to bring a fresh perspective to D.C., and deliver the change we so desperately need.

Michael Millo

South Whitehall