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Budget draft for 2025 reviewed

The Lower Milford Township Board of Supervisors held its regular meeting Oct. 17, where several key agenda items were approved, including a draft of the 2025 budget, the settlement of long-standing litigation and the authorization of funds for township property access.

The meeting commenced with a presentation from the Pennsylvania State Police, providing township residents with updated crime statistics and safety tips. The officer stressed the importance of staying connected with local authorities through social media and neighborhood watch programs. He also highlighted the camp cadet program for kids aged 12 to 15 years old interested in going into law enforcement. The camp is completely free of charge.

The supervisors approved the minutes of both the Sept. 19 regular meeting and the Oct. 3 workshop meeting without amendments. Treasurer’s reports showed the township maintaining a general fund balance of $1.97 million and a fire fund balance of $322,506 as of Sept. 30.

Following a routine review, the supervisors authorized the payment of all township bills for October.

The board announced two executive sessions, held Oct. 7 and Oct. 17, focused on litigation.

The board next approved the items within the administrator, zoning, public works and administrative assistant reports.

The Lower Milford Fire Company’s report showcased 99 incidents reported since the beginning of 2024. Additionally, it was reported the township fire company has more than a 70% chance of receiving a grant to help them purchase a large majority of the new radios needed for the updated Lehigh Valley Emergency Services system.

Two representatives from the Southern Lehigh Public Library were in attendance for a proposed 2025 budget request. No decision was made during the meeting.

The board then moved to approve a settlement agreement in the Schmeltzle litigation case, bringing resolution to a dispute between the township and a former township employee.

A second draft of the 2025 budget was presented, moving the township closer to finalizing its financial plans for the upcoming year. Next, there was a discussion on equipment purchases and building upgrades. The building upgrades included approval for HVAC unit replacements in the meeting room at the township building. Additionally, quotes are being collected on a security system update to the building as well.

The equipment purchases were for a skid steer with milling, a zero-turn lawnmower and a brine maker. However, the supervisors requested more information if the skid steer is needed and on how they would budget for the item, plus they wanted more information on the zero-turn as well. The brine maker purchase was approved.

The board conditionally authorized payment of $36,000 in estimated compensation to a property owner for an access easement along County Line Road, allowing township access to municipal property. The supervisors also approved the well isolation waiver agreement for a property on Glen Road.

Several new business items were also addressed.

The emergency management coordinator requested a meeting to discuss township responses to downed trees and wires on Pennsylvania Department of Transportation roadways, while the historic commission sought approval for a new historic resource study. Both requests were approved.

The board tabled the release of escrow funds for Limeport Commons.

The meeting continued with the adoption of Resolution 2024-11, authorizing stipends for eligible members of the Lower Milford Township Fire Company No. 1. The resolution was passed unanimously, reinforcing the township’s commitment to supporting its first responders.

Near the end of the meeting, a public complaint was recognized highlighting concerns about road conditions on Kraussdale Road, prompting the board to take the matter under further review.

The next meeting of the Lower Milford Township Board of Supervisors is a workshop meeting scheduled 6:30 p.m. Nov. 7. The monthly supervisors meeting will be 6:30 p.m. Nov. 21.
