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Hanover treasurer leaving position

Roth to assume part-time clerk role

During the Oct. 16 Hanover Township, Lehigh County, Council meeting, township Treasurer Vicky Roth announced this would be her final council meeting.

Roth served a dual role of treasurer and clerk.

She added in her statement that, although she will vacate her appointment as treasurer, she was granted permission to remain part time as a clerk in the township’s office.

A beloved member of the township’s administration department, Roth has served the township for more than 36 years.

Council Chairman Bruce Paulus and the rest of council wished her well with an ovation. Council members said they were happy she will remain on staff part time.

Township Manager Melissa Wehr, who works closely with Roth, noted she will still be an asset due to her years of dedicated service and the love she has for the township. Wehr added Roth possesses institutional knowledge about the workings of the township and relationships that are invaluable.

The outpouring of support for her efforts and time in the township left Roth emotional and unable to fulfill the requests for her to speak a few words.

After the meeting, there was cake and refreshments to celebrate Roth’s retirement and job transition.

As a result, the township is seeking someone to fill the treasurer role. Contact the township office to apply.

In other business, council approved the release of payment one to PIM Corporation for the 2024 sanitary sewer system manhole rehabilitation project in the amount of $59,550.09.

Wehr informed council the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission seeks a representative from Hanover to attend the general assembly meeting 7 p.m. Oct. 29 at the office at 615 Waterfront Drive, Allentown.

Township Engineer Kevin Chimics noted the Marcon Boulevard and Catasauqua Road projects are nearing completion.

Councilman Robert Lawlor expressed concern about the services the township’s garbage and recycling provider performs in the township. He said he was present when a sanitation worker reportedly placed recycling items in a general refuse truck. When he confronted the worker about the matter, Lawlor alleged the worker was verbally disrespectful toward him.

Council approved paying the bills up to Oct. 16, in the amount of $314,530.

The next Hanover Township, Lehigh County, Council meeting is set for 7 p.m. Nov. 6 at the municipal building, 2202 Grove Road.
