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Grade: 12th grade.

Family: My family members are my Mom, Dad, 3 older sisters (Emilee, Melissa and Tara), 3 dogs (Paisley, Bella and Annie)

Favorite subject(s): Writing is my favorite subject because I can express my emotions and thoughts to my readers. I am able to have my emotions transform into appealing to a message.

Activities: I participate in Key Club, Greenhouse, NHS, National Language Society.

Next steps: I want to go to the University of New Haven (hopefully) and study Forensic Psychology. Continue to get my Master’s degree.

Career goals: I would like to work in the law system as a Forensic Psychologist.

Heroes: The heroes who are most prominent in my life are my parents. I would truly not be who I am today without them as they have sacrificed so much for me. Their immense love for me has been able to leave an impression on how I treat people, which is what I love most about them!

Hobbies: My favorite hobbies are singing and reading

Current job(s): I work at Williams family restaurant as a hostess.

Volunteer/community work: I love to volunteer with my best friends at the Alzheimer’s Walk, St. Jane Frances de Chantal’s Vacation Bible School, and Aftercare program!

Likes: I love all types of music, concerts, pasta and bows.

Dislikes: I dislike many foods, cleaning, unoriginality and people who are rude.

Greatest accomplishment (so far): I believe my greatest accomplishments have been being able to connect with my friends on so many different levels and truly finding some of the best people to surround myself with.

Advice for peers: Advice I would give to my peers would be to never give up no matter the circumstances because there is always light at the end of the tunnel!
