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Mama’s Musings - Please vote!

Sometimes I want to cry. Too bad I really can’t. Sometime soon I will be having another blood test, to confirm if I need a second medication for my autoimmune disorder.

Of course, my hope is that my numbers in the original test were randomly off. As much as I understand the need for extra medicine, I really don’t want it.

Being a single parent with two jobs and an autoimmune disease is challenging enough.

I am looking forward to the time change. For some reason, my body feels more in balance during daylight savings time.

There are the holidays coming, too. I love the decorations. We saw a large air-pumped turkey on a porch, with a little jack-o’-lantern in front of it. My older son, Erick, said, “Add a Santa hat, and they’ll be good for three months.”

Election Day is coming up, too. Please, no matter who you support, vote! We came upon an election worker who was lamenting not finding people who wanted to register. I thanked her and explained I am already registered. It did give me the opportunity to explain the importance of voting to my younger son, James. That every vote matters.

It especially matters if you’re female. Ladies, it has barely been 100 years since we secured the right to vote. Less than that if you are of color or disabled. Representation matters, so please vote!

I will be happy, though, when the political signs are off people’s lawns. I much prefer Halloween decorations.

Sometimes I fear I will never find balance in life. And sometimes I think that’s OK. Everyone has struggles, and everyone has good times. I think we all hope the good outweighs the bad.
