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Ask yourselves these questions before you vote

To the Editor:

In his letter in the Oct. 9 issue of The Press, James Knerr, apparently deliberately mischaracterized the White House press secretary as saying in 2022 that FEMA disaster funds were being used to aid migrants.

First of all, it is 2024. Second, it is against the law to use disaster funds for any other purpose. Third, every major news organization that has fact-checked this claim, along with FEMA and the White House, have declared it to be false. FEMA funds are running low because in 2024 we have had a series of unprecedented natural disasters.

If Mr. Knerr’s preferred candidate would be so great for this country, why must his supporters continue to spread falsehoods, lies, half truths and call their opponents names, in order to try and get him elected?

Mr. Knerr also condemns Gov. (Josh) Shapiro for signing, not a rocket, but an artillery shell, bound for Ukraine to help it defend against a Russian invasion, like many soldiers and civilians did in the war against Hitler and Tojo. Does that mean Knerr supports his candidate cozying up to the dictator that launched that invasion, including sending him COVID-19 testing machines when there was a shortage in the United States?

Why does his candidate refuse to participate in any debate or interview if it is going to be fact checked?

The United States democracy is founded in truth, such as the truth that all men are created equal. Why should we want to elect a candidate for president who tried to overthrow the Constitution, who was civilly found to be a sexual predator, who lies, cheats and participates in criminal activities, shows no respect for our veterans and who is only out for personal power so he can go after his enemies?

Ask yourselves these questions before you vote.

Chuck Ballard
