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Northampton man honored for 50 years of TPA service

On a beautiful, comfortable summer day Aug. 25 in the rolling hills of Northampton County, Travelers Protective Association Post L, Lehigh Valley, President Donald Schwartz and community Chairwoman Diane Schwartz sponsored the Post’s annual picnic.

The gathering included food, refreshments, a raffle and bingo. There was also recognition of several members who celebrated their 50th anniversary serving TPA. In addition, one 70-years-of-service pin was awarded. That is 370 aggregate years of service among the awardees.

Milton Stephens, of Salisbury Township, was awarded the 70-year pin by Schwartz.

The six members receiving their 50-years pins were John Obrecht, of Northampton; Dale Brinker, of Allentown; Neil Merkel, of Lenhartsville; Henry Heil, of Zionsville; Anthony Verrastro, of Winnsboro, S.C.; and Todd Stephens, of South Carolina.

Randy Stephens accepted the pin for his brother Todd Stephens, who was not able to attend the picnic. Verrastro was also not able to attend the picnic, so Anthony Verrastro Jr., Christine Verrastro and Sharon Badman accepted his pin on behalf of their father.

Friendship, fellowship and goodwill were in abundance at the picnic. There was a genuine sense of togetherness among attendees, who by virtue of their membership in the TPA, understand the importance of providing service to others. The longevity of members’ service is a testament to the quality and dedication of the Post’s members to the TPA mission.

“Our organization has led the charge for societal changes that protect the health, safety and well-being of children,” Patricia Palencar, Post L secretary, said, adding the TPA particularly focuses on children with hearing challenges and needs.

Visit tpahq.org for more information about the TPA and how to join.

PRESS PHOTOS BY BILL LEINER JR.Travelers Protective Association Post L, Lehigh Valley, members are honored for 50 years of service during the Post’s annual picnic, held Aug. 25. Recipients were awarded pins by Post L President Donald Schwartz.
John Obrecht, of Northampton, is recognized by Schwartz for his 50 years with the organization.
TPA Post L Chapter members wave in celebration at the annual picnic.