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Board discusses plan for video surveillance

Whitehall Township Board of Commissioners, at its workshop meeting Oct. 7, discussed a policy regarding the use of public video surveillance recording and monitoring equipment.

Commissioners acknowledged there are already multiple camera placements in many portions of the municipality. A discussion, regarding Resolution 3344, ensued about the future placement of new cameras.

It was noted certain foreign-made cameras are illegal to purchase or install.

One person in attendance at the meeting commented she was concerned about the lack of privacy with all these cameras.

Commissioners reminded her and all present that the cameras are in place to combine security and safety.

Also at the meeting, pending Bill 34-2024 was discussed, which addressed proposed changes to the rules and regulations primarily at township parks. The section that referred to no “overnight sleeping” in the parks generated a discussion about the homeless people who might reside there.

Mayor Joseph Marx Jr. stressed the compassion that needs to be shown to these people. Others commented on the elaborate “housing” many have created throughout the parks.

The last matter for discussion was raised by Commissioner Ken Snyder, who pointed out the fact that the Commission Charter had not been updated in 30-35 years. Snyder noted many aspects of the charter, primarily some referring to actual costs, needed changes.

The township attorney reminded the commissioners the charter could only be changed through a public vote. This led to a discussion of forming an ad hoc committee to review the charter during the next year and present the commissioners with suggested changes that could be put before the voters.

President Tom Slonaker pointed out this could be a very difficult and arduous task to undertake.

No action was taken.

The commissioners adjourned to executive session.

The next Whitehall Township Board of Commissioners meeting is set for 7 p.m. Oct. 14 at the municipal building, 3219 MacArthur Road.
