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STUDENT PROFILE Amy Illescas, Freedom HS

Grade: 11

Family members: Ingrid (mother), Andres (stepdad), Maya (sister)

Favorite subject(s): My favorite subject has been and still is English. I love anything related to literature and writing gives me so much creative freedom. I love to find the beauty and every book or piece that we read or write.

Activities: I’m on the soccer team, assistant stage manager for the theater Company and head spotlight, debate team, Freedom environmental awareness team, and active member of the student council.

Next steps: I work hard to be able to attend college after I graduate. I plan to major In journalism.

Career goals: my main goal is to find a career that I’m passionate about and happy doing every day.

Heroes: My hero would have to be my grandma because I wouldn’t be anywhere without her today. Because of her bravery, I am a first generation American and she inspires me every day to work hard to achieve my goals.

Hobbies: Apart from soccer I love hanging out with my friends and spending time with my family. I love talking and reading. I also love riding my skateboard and bicycle, and I’m currently learning how to ski!

Current job(s): My main job includes writing for any local newspaper.

Volunteer/community work: Contrary to popular opinion, I love community service and have already achieved the required amount for graduation. I love volunteering at any event or festival that Bethlehem holds annually.

Likes: Soccer, musical, musical theater, traveling, bodies of water, friends, family, talking, cosmetology school, going to the gym, running, vlogging and taking pictures

Dislikes: Mean people, quitters, math, chemistry

Greatest accomplishment (so far): Filming for Tim Waltz as an official press representative

Advice for peers: Don’t wish for it, work for it.
