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Grade: 12

Family members: Parents Meredith and Ted and brother Elliot

Favorite subject(s): English, I’ve always loved the ability to express myself through writing.

Activities: Editor-in-chief of our school newspaper, president of our art club, member of the national honors society, and employee at Wawa.

Next steps: 4 year college for journalism.

Career goals: Work my way up to writing a novel, as well as reaching a high up news publication.

Heroes: I’ve always looked up to my mom, she’s truly the glue that holds our family together.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, exercising, nature walks, and Philly sports

Current job(s): Customer Service at Wawa

Volunteer/community work: Celtic Fest and our school’s preschool program.

Likes: Friday Night Lights, Going out to eat with friends

Dislikes: Asparagus

Greatest accomplishment (so far): Producing our latest senior issue, a 45 page collection of students reflections on their time in high school and what to do beyond.

Advice for peers: Give your passions everything you can give, it will all work out in the long run. Believe in yourself.
