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Board OK’s waiver for electric vehicle charger



Township Manager Brian Carl discussed the land development waiver request for the electric vehicle charger at Sheetz, 2298 Golden Key Road, at the Sept. 9 Weisenberg Township supervisors’ meeting.

“What they are looking at doing is installing the new key chargers in the grass area, which will be on the north side of the property,” Carl said.

“Originally, they just wanted to take out spots 34 through roughly 45 of the existing spaces that would be for the chargers.

“Technically, they could have done that and still met the zoning but, as we all know, those are pretty popular parking spaces and now if they would take them for EV use only that would go away.”

He said they were agreeable to adding additional parking specifically for the EV chargers, so they would remove the grass and some of that curbing and put the chargers in the back and they would still gain a few extra parking spaces over and above what is there today.”

Carl said he and Township Engineer Stan Wojciechowski, with Barry Issett and Associates, discussed the request.

“Given they are not building any canopies; there’s no buildings being built, it’s just a parking lot expansion, they could entertain a waiver of land development from you and we would just handle it administratively,” Carl stated.

He said Wojciechowski would still do a stormwater review for the site work and the required buffering plan, otherwise it would go to the board as a preliminary and final land development for a small parking lot expansion.

Wojciechowski commented on the request.

“There are a lot of requirements and stuff we have to waive because it’s intended for a different type of issue not necessarily just expanding a parking lot,” he said. “They kind of worked off the sketch I gave them and I think it’s making it a lot better of an area, using the grassy area there.”

They are looking for a waiver of land development which is being handled administratively,” Carl stated.

A motion was made and approved by supervisors to grant an electric vehicle charger waiver request for Sheetz.

Carl also provided an update on the Community Center bids.

“We opened the Community Center bids,” Carl said. “They are in the ballpark or where they needed to be.

“We are still getting some of the bids and getting some alternate prices, so if you are good with that, we will wait till October to award the bid.

“We will have some additional information then.”