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North Catasauqua council talks traffic

Resident says stop sign needed at Howertown Rd., Willow Way intersection

The Sept. 16 meeting of North Catasauqua Borough Council focused on local traffic concerns and a revision of the handicap ordinances.

At the opening of the meeting, resident Susan Hirner asked if a four-way stop could be installed at the intersection of Howertown Road and Willow Way. Willow Way is a relatively new street coming out of the new development on the site of the Willow Brook Golf Course grounds. She reported there is extensive traffic at this new intersection.

Police Chief Christopher Wolfer said Pennsylvania must approve the process before installing the additional stop signs.

Other residents, the Arnolds, made their concerns to council about traffic problems along Third and Fourth streets.

In other business, council is looking into an update on the handicap ordinance currently in place in the borough. General amendments were discussed and were turned over to borough Solicitor Stephanie Steward. These will be prepared for action at an upcoming meeting.

Wolfer mentioned an update is needed on the leases for at least three cars that need replacement. Once again, final costs will be obtained for action in the coming month. Wolfer also reported on a pending application through a Police Commission Criminal Grant connected with the medical marijuana legislation that, if successful, would provide a patrol wagon for DUI and drug education.

Council discussed two pending state House bills — 1976 and 2045 — that would, in council’s opinion, seriously undermine the power of small municipalities to control building and zoning issues.

Council next meets 7 p.m. Oct. 7.
