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Meet the teacher

From left, Ahmed Algburi; Maryam Algburi, a Sheckler Elementary School third-grade student in Mrs. Labezius’ class; Ghat Mayau; and Arkan Algburi meet his first-grade teacher, Erin Rapp, during meet-the-teacher night Sept. 19. In addition to meeting the teachers, parents/guardians received a presentation on schedules, curriculum and classroom rules.
Sheckler Elementary Principal Dr. Robert Kucharczuk greets third-grade student Jaxson Hymans after he selected one of the many free books available to students and families during the annual school event. Kucharczuk said he was thankful for the well-attended event and the support of parents/guardians in their child’s education.
Hector Bermudez watches Joseline Medina leave a note on their daughter’s desk. Their daughter, Mariah Bermudez, is in the fourth-grade classroom of teacher Laura Gregson.
Second-grade teacher Michele Hillanbrand (right) provides additional details to parent Rachael Grisponi on behalf of her daughter, Vivian Grisponi.
PRESS PHOTOS BY DONNA GEWERTZWhile touring Sheckler, Zenia Browne experiences a proud mother moment as she locates her son Elijah’s artwork on display in the hallway outside of Rapp’s classroom.
The team of first-grade teachers are ready to greet parents for the school’s meet the teacher. From left, seated, are Tara Flamisch and Tiandra Riegel and from left, standing, are Lorinne Bodner, Rapp, Abbey Shiffert and Marcia Rich.
Marci Castellano views her daughter Dayveena Duch’s artwork, which is in the form of a game to guess “Who Am I,” complete with clues to the student’s identity. Dayveena is a student in Brett Zieber’s fourth-grade class.
Sheckler STEAM teacher and technology coach Emma Kalman (left) points out the artwork on display by Eddie Cortes, a second-grade student, to his parents, Echo Piff and Juan Cortes.
With a variety of resources and information available to support learning, first-grade student Kaedyn Diaz holds a complimentary family engagement and reading kit he and his mother, Amanda Roman, received while attending the event. Kaedyn is a student in Bodner’s class.