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Harriers lower times

Whitehall’s cross country teams have started the season slowly, but head coach Brandon Hampton has been encouraged has been encouraged by their dedication and effort.

“We have been encouraged by our recent times,” beamed Hampton. “Both teams are packing up and running together, which is what we want to see.

“It will ultimately make each kid better and help us compete and win.”

The Zephyrs have been paced by Habib Leyos and Ashley Mendoza, who have been the team’s lead runners most of the season.

Aiden Borkenhagen, Zarius Sabater, Derek Jiminez, Luke Thomas, Deakon Smith, and Max Charles have all served as a strong supporting and consistent cast. All of them have been lowering their times.

Holly Kotch, Natasha Ziegler, Marli Jacobus, Marissa Gaudiusco, Julia Elsiefy, and Kathy Chen all have matched or bettered their personal records and/or season bests.

“They all have been running well,” added Hampton. “We have seen setting their own bests. They have been feeding off each other and are really starting to come together as a team.”

The boys’ team started the season with an overall 1-5 record, beating East Stroudsburg South and losing to East Stroudsburg North, Stroudsburg, Emmaus, and Allentown Central Catholic. The girls’ team began their campaign with a 2-3 record, downing East Stroudsburg North and East Stroudsburg, but they lost to Emmaus, Allentown Central Catholic, and Stroudsburg.

“Zarius, Derk, and Luke have set PRs, ranging from 10 to 60 seconds,” noted Hampton. “Marli hit her PR by over a minute, and Holly, Marissa, and Julia all have set new PRs as well. Kathy ran a season best by over a minute.”

Whitehall recently posed wins over Bethlehem Catholic on both sides and losses to Freedom and Liberty on both sides at a meet at Emmaus. Hampton stated the boys’ loss against Liberty was close, and the girls’ loss against Freedom was five points.

The Zephyrs faced Nazareth, Easton, and Northampton at Nazareth Tuesday.

“We have more opportunities to get better,” stressed Hampton. “We’ll keep working to further lower our times.”