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‘Thank you for opportunity to serve’

Catasauqua Borough manager announces resignation, effective January

During the Sept. 16 Catasauqua Borough Council meeting, borough Manager Glenn Eckhart announced his resignation, effective Jan. 17, 2025.

“Honestly, I am sad to be leaving,” Eckhart said when reached after the meeting.

His official resignation date is a few months away because Eckhart said there is still a lot he wants to accomplish in the borough. He shared his plans for eight final objectives he is aiming for before leaving. He also wants to finish out 2024 and make sure all final bills and business are settled to help ensure a smooth transition.

His objectives include presenting a balanced budget, completing the 2023 independent audit, making sure there is a plan in place and enough money to get through the winter and finalizing the 2024 numbers showing a second back-to-back balanced budget. Additionally, he wants to help create a stabilization fund for the borough to have a cash reserve and avoid some of the financial troubles seen in the past.

Other goals include securing a loan for the replacement of the borough’s 2003 backhoe and 2009 dump truck, paying the sewer plant the remaining balance of what it is owed and having a final contract of sale for the Ironworks property.

“No doubt we will accomplish more, but I am very goal-oriented and need challenges to shoot for,” Eckhart said.

Eckhart said he is proud of how much he was able to do during his time in the borough. He noted the borough was in financial straits when he was hired, and, with the help of borough Treasurer Catherine Van Dyne, they have helped get things back on track. He noted they have been diligent in working toward “righting the ship.”

“It has been an honor and a privilege to help guide a great team of employees that have been so supportive of bringing this town back from financial ruin,” Eckhart said. “There is still work to do, but we have come such a long way.”

He noted the time is right for him to step aside and allow new leadership to work with the council and mayor moving forward.

“I was so blessed to be selected for this job that many thought I wasn’t qualified for,” Eckhart said. “The original council that hired me for the position was unanimously supportive across party lines by a 7-0 vote and the support of the mayor.”

Eckhart was hired in October 2022 and hit the ground running. Now, Eckhart is looking forward to the future and is excited for his next opportunity.

“Thank you for the opportunity to serve,” Eckhart said.
