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Summer projects create updated facilities for students and staff

Most people look forward to the “lazy days of summer” when life moves at a slower pace and there seems to be more time in the day to enjoy all that summer has to offer. This turn of phrase, however, does not apply to the facilities team in the Salisbury Township School District. In fact, summer is when the maintenance department shifts into high gear utilizing the limited summer months to clean and complete needed projects to ensure the district’s schools are in tip-top shape when the students and staff return in August.

While there have been several capital improvement projects completed over the summer, Director of Facilities Bill Brackett and his crew of 19 have spent the summer cleaning every classroom and office throughout the district. In each room, furniture is removed and every surface from walls, floors, fixtures and ceilings is thoroughly scrubbed all while the same crew continually weed and maintain acres of grass around schools and athletic fields.

Brackett remarked his hardworking staff “continues to impress me. They never fail to get the work done no matter what is going on in the district.”

Much like the summer of 2023 when the district tackled projects including a major HVAC renovation at the middle school, updating the exterior camera system at the high school and replacing flooring and stair treads in the elementary school, this summer ticked off several capital improvement projects listed in the master facilities plan.

The middle school received a much needed new roof which should hold up well for the next 30 years while inside the building the gym and library areas were also renovated. The library carpeting, which was first installed in 1980, was replaced with new carpeting in a calming gray hue.

The gym area at the middle school received a more extensive overhaul in the form of new bleachers equipped with safety features unavailable when they were first installed. A foldout wall used to divide the gym in half for multiple activities was replaced with a drop-down net much easier to use than the wall which was difficult to open and close without getting stuck. Additionally, the gym area received fresh paint in a complementary Salisbury gray and white offset by blue bleachers.

Salisbury Elementary School, which over the past several years has been plagued by flooding due to a faulty underground storm drainage system, received a complete revamp. Water from the roof was completely rerouted outside in an effort to change the flow of water away from the building. Three separate sump pits were also strategically installed around the building.

In areas at SES once prone to flooding in pods A, B and C, as well as hallways, low maintenance luxury vinyl tile flooring was installed. The floors cost less to maintain and add a fun pop of colored squares just right for an elementary building.

Lastly, after pipes within the SES gym walls needed to be reconfigured due to the rooftop drainage reconfiguration, the gym was given a fresh coat of paint giving the space a bright, clean look.

“As a district, we are focused on investing in our school facilities to create the best possible learning spaces for our students and staff. Our facilities team works diligently throughout the school year to maintain clean and safe facilities. I appreciate their diligence and commitment to our school community,” Superintendent Lynn Fuini-Hetten said.

PRESS PHOTOS BY KATHY HASSICKThe Salisbury Middle School gym is sporting a brand new set of bleachers equipped with safety features making steps easier to navigate.
In the middle school library, new carpeting replaces carpet installed in 1980.
Salisbury Elementary School receives new flooring in pods A, B and C featuring bright pops of primary colored squares.
The gym area at Salisbury Elementary School looks bright and clean with a fresh coat of paint.
A much needed re-routing of rainwater away from the Salisbury Elementary School building is completed this summer. The major overhaul of the water drainage system and the installation of sump pits will significantly lessen the possibility of flooding the school’s lower level.