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Residents note continued speeding on area roads

The Lower Milford Township Board of Supervisors held its regular meeting Sept. 19, addressing a comprehensive agenda including financial reports, zoning issues and community requests.

The meeting commenced with the call to order and the Pledge of Allegiance. Public comments were invited but none were made. An executive session was announced, held earlier in the day for litigation purposes.

The board approved the minutes from both the Aug. 15 regular meeting and the Sept. 12 special meeting. During the special meeting, five bids were read for the township building’s roof replacement.

The township treasurer’s report as of Aug. 30 was reviewed, showing a general fund balance of $2,124,569 among other accounts.

Authorization was approved for payment of September bills. Reports from the administrator, zoning, public works and administrative assistant were presented, highlighting ongoing projects and operations within the township. Township Administrator Emily Fucci noted oil and chip work was completed on township roads.

The Macungie Ambulance report and fire company report were reviewed, along with the library report. There were no new subdivisions or land developments to act upon. There were two calls made to the ambulance corps during the month of August.

Representatives from the fire company spoke about the company’s need for new radios, as a new system is being instituted for emergency services and new radios are required, which will come at a high cost. The fire company has been in contact with local government officials and businesses, requesting possible grant opportunities.

In old business, a well isolation waiver request was submitted for 6739 Glen Road. However, this was tabled as the supervisors did not think the site plan was acceptable as presented during the meeting.

Next, the board awarded a bid for the township office roof replacement. The job was awarded to Silver Line Exteriors at a cost of $160,920. They will replace the gutters and downspouts at an additional cost of $5,500.

New business included approving the Minimum Municipal Obligation Budget for 2025 and a recommendation to raise petty cash an additional $100.

The historic commission recommended action regarding the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission’s acquisition of Class II historic resources. This is in response to the plan to widen the turnpike by the state, which would require the demolition of a historic home. The supervisors approved a motion to write a letter to the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission and Gov. Josh Shapiro, expressing their concerns and requesting to not demo the house.

The board tabled CU-2-24, which would grant Hawk Rise Farm Trust conditional use approval for a wedding venue. There is an easement on the property and the preservation board needed to be notified.

Appeals by Travis Knoedler and Peaceful Wireman for a home-related business exception and Sergey Joseph and Nonna Litvak for a variance were also addressed. The board did not approve the home-related business exception and will send the solicitor to the hearing to oppose it. The variance was also opposed by the board.

The Maplewood Subdivision escrow security review was ratified. The board agreed to send assistance to Upper Milford Township’s special fire police during the Vera Cruz Halloween Parade.

Correspondence included a request of opposition from Upper Saucon Township to House Bills 1976 and 20245, as well as support requests from local organizations like Meals on Wheels Greater Lehigh Valley. The board chose to join Upper Saucon Township in opposition to the bills. However, no other action was taken on the rest of the requests.

An email from a township resident was received regarding pedestrian safety in Limeport. They were worried about walking pedestrians and residents living alongside a strip of Limeport Pike. They requested the township push for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation to lower the speed limit along that area.

A resident had public comments on the speeding on Limeport Pike and asked if there were any updates from PennDOT. The township had already requested to post speed display signs and is working on a proposal to submit to PennDOT where the signs will be placed. There were no other responses from PennDOT.

A question was asked about no truck signs on Milky Way, as the speed bumps have decreased traffic on the road; however, tractor-trailers are still using the road.

Another request was received to lower the speed limit on County Line Road from a resident living on the road. The resident said traffic has increased and people are speeding all the time. The board agreed to talk with the public works director about doing a study on the road, along with possibly putting up a speed display sign.

The session was then adjourned.

The next board meeting will be held 6:30 p.m. Oct. 17 at the Lower Milford Township building, 7607 Chestnut Hill Church Road.
