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District receives Outstanding Visual Arts Community Award

The East Penn Board of School Directors unanimously approved the district’s American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Health and Safety Plan at the Sept. 23 regular meeting of the East Penn School Board.

With no changes to the plan having been made, the approval is retroactive from July 1 through Sept. 30.

A biannual review is required by the Pennsylvania Department of Education until the district uses up all of its ESSER funding in 2024.

According to Assistant Superintendent Dr. Douglas Povilaitis and confirmed by School Superintendent Dr. Kristen Campbell, the ESSER Health and Safety Plan, which was required for schools receiving ESSER funds, will be retired at the end of September.

The funding was made available by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, ARP to help schools during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Beginning Oct. 1 the district will return to its regular health room protocols.

In her district update Campbell announced the district’s first early dismissal day for students is Sept. 25. High school and middle school students will be dismissed 11 a.m. while the elementary schools will be sending kids home 12:30 p.m.

The Pennsylvania Art Education Association presented the East Penn School District with its Outstanding Visual Arts Community Award recently, proudly announced the superintendent. “This achievement reflects not only the hard work of our teachers and students, but the continued support of administration, parents and the entire school community rallying around the importance of visual arts and other arts in the district.”

The district recently honored Eyer Middle School student adviser Christian Burggraf with the East Penn Employee of the Year Award.

Campbell said the Emmaus High School student mentoring program now has 100 upper classmen volunteers to help students make the transition from middle school.

In personnel matters, the directors approved the retirements of communications engineer Jeffrey Smith effective April 1, 2025 and Wescosville Elementary School instructional assistant Mary Wylie as of June 10.

Campbell noted Smith’s 22 years on the district’s “tech team” as well as Wylie’s 20 years of service at Wescosville Elementary School.

The board accepted the resignations of Emmaus High Earth, Space Science teacher Sarah Tomkinson effective Sept. 13 and Jefferson Elementary health room nurse Amber Barnes effective Sept. 25.

Approved new hires include Abigail Carr as a special-education teacher at Wescosville Elementary School effective Oct. 9.

Board President Dr. Joshua A. Levinson mentioned an executive session was conducted before the public forum 7 p.m. on “personnel and litigation.” He said another executive session was held Sept. 11 for personnel issues.

The next regular school board meeting is scheduled 7:30 p.m. Oct. 14. The public can access documents through BoardDocs via a link on the district website. Livestreaming of meetings is available on the district’s YouTube channel.
