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Alburtis Borough Council approves grant resolutions, discusses garbage contract

Alburtis Borough Council convened 7 p.m. Sept. 11 to address several agenda items, culminating in the approval of two resolutions aimed at securing state grants.

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by public comments and reports from Mayor Kathleen Palmer and Alburtis Police Chief Tony Alsleben.

Council then approved the minutes from the previous meeting, held Aug. 28 and reviewed bills for payment, along with the treasurer’s report and the engineer’s report.

In the first item in administration, Solicitor Dave Knerr led a discussion on the borough’s garbage contract for the upcoming year. Council members reviewed bids received from various waste management companies, although no final decision was made during the session.

It was decided the borough will go with 96-gallon totes, however.

Following the garbage contract discussion, Chuck Deprill presented a request for an additional road closure for the upcoming “Corey and Kimberly Rides Again” event. Council approved the request to close School Street noon to 4 p.m. on the day of the ride.

The ride was approved at the July 31 council meeting, according to meeting minutes posted online.

The council then turned its attention to financial matters, approving Resolution 2024-12 and Resolution 2024-13. Both resolutions authorize Borough Manager Stephen Nemeth to execute agreements with the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Financing Authority to facilitate and assist in obtaining Northampton/Lehigh County Local Share Assessment Grants.

To close the administration portion of the meeting, Chris Greb presented the annual funding request for Macungie Ambulance, which was discussed by council members. Greb requested an additional $1,600 due to the rising costs of ambulances.

The meeting concluded with an executive session to address personnel matters.

The next borough council meeting will be held 7 p.m. Sept. 25. Meetings are located at the borough building, 260 Franklin St.
