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School board back to work

The BASD Curriculum Committee Sept. 9 continued last year’s policy revisions, beginning with #249, which focuses on bullying, including cyberbullying. This policy will be reviewed yearly.

Superintendent Dr. Jack Silva said his goals and priorities for the 2024-25 school year will be “data informed, not data driven.” He also stressed the importance of having the board’s support. One of Silva’s goals is to continue emphasizing the importance of having every student reading while in early elementary grades. He also supports the use of green energy and the conversion of the transportation fleet to electric.

The ”Fit for Life” program for 4, 5, and 6th graders is looking at possibly expanding into middle schools. This program partners with St. Luke’s offering fitness options to keep kids moving — both physically and mentally. It is entering its third year having over 1,000 students participate throughout all 16 elementary schools.

The Facilities Committee was made aware that BASD fully participates in Act 39 of 2018. This act tries to prevent exposure to lead contamination in the drinking water of Pennsylvania’s schools. Under Act 39 of 2018, schools may, but are not required to, test for lead levels annually in the drinking water of any facility where children attend school. All schools and all facilities in the BASD are regularly tested and results are reported to the DEP. The next round of testing will occur in November-December 2024

The Facilities committee also reported that the transportation department is fully staffed.

The regular meeting of the BASD was moved to Broughal MS, Sept. 23.