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Mama’s Musings: At least

Since the water park at Dorney closed, my ex has been taking my youngest son to Target on Sundays. He comes home sometimes with things he needs, and sometimes not. I am not sure what my ex’s family’s fascination with jackets and hoodies is. James does not often wear the hoodies that zip up. But now he has four new ones. He might choose one to wear when it gets a little colder, but the rest will end up being donated or returned. I don’t mind if my ex buys him clothes. It would just be nice if he’d stick with what the child will wear.

James came home with new shoes one week. Two days later, he requested a cheap pair of shoes to wear for an outdoor assembly. Hi ho, hi ho, to the store we go. We went to two stores. James asked why the stores tend to put the shoes near the rear of the store. Then he tried on two pairs and zoomed around the shoe aisles to test them. Um hm, that’s a good reason for the shoes to be in the rear of store.

I also got an earful about the money his dad “pays” me. Um, that’s called child support, managed through the county. There is also a small twice monthly repayment of a half of the much greater amount my ex walked away with when he finally left, which he is paying back over a period of several years.

Considering he literally walked out and left me with no money, he can stop complaining, especially to our son, who doesn’t understand any of it.

Really, he shouldn’t. There are words in all the legal papers saying, “Do not discuss with the minor child.” Of course, my ex did not read them.

Before every holiday, I have to check the custody schedule, and remind my ex who James will be with. It could be much worse. At least James gets to spend time with his dad. Too many kids don’t even have that.